Alarm Company Reviews


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APX Alarm Company

APX Alarms is now Vivint

Please refer to the Vivint section.

APX Alarms was founded in 1999 by two partners. One of them is named Todd Pederson and he is the Chief Executive Officer. The other is the president of APX Home Security and he is named Keith Nellesen. They employ over 3500 people in the United States and Canada. APX Security Systems, on their website, claim to have sold more than half a million accounts to date.

Service Area

APX Home Security serves all of the United States except Louisiana, which they are in the process of licensing. And as far as Canada is concerned, all of it is covered, all ten provinces and three territories.

Parts, Installation and Monitoring Cost

  • A $99.00 fee to register with fire and police services
  • a 3-year alarm monitoring contract at a cost of $44.95 per month

What APX Security Package includes:

$1,500.00 worth of equipment' is included, for example:

  • 2 recessed door sensors
  • 1 motion sensor
  • 1 keypad
  • 1 key remote
  • and installation of the above

APX Home Security takes pride in two things, one being the service they provide, and the other is the quick response time. The latter claim seems a little bit large in the sense that if the police are busy, the police are busy. It doesn't matter if it is someone calling from APX Alarms calling the police. However, they claim to have won an award from J.D. Powers and Associates for outstanding service and rapid response time.

Another thing to watch out for, with regards to consumer alerts, is that the APX Home Security salesmen reputedly represent themselves as being affiliated with Honeywell, or even as working for them. Honeywell acknowledges no such arrangement; they simply sell their equipment to numerous security systems companies and APX Alarms is one of them. Honeywell has no such business arrangement with APX Home Security.

APX Alarms has pending complaints with the BBB about contract disputes and faulty equipment. Many people are dissatisfied with the service. However, there are also many who are satisfied with the service as well, the pricing and service. In general, APX Home Security fares pretty well as far as reviews are concerned.